The Hospital Pharmacy provides both basic and highly specialized pharmacy care for the workplaces of the University Hospital Hradec Králové, for outpatients of the University Hospital Hradec Králové, and other health care facilities. It holds a quality management certificate according to ISO 9001: 2008.
The goal of the hospital pharmacy is to anticipate and meet patient needs in the most efficient way and at a high professional level, all with the aid of modern technologies.
The workplace cooperates with the Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy and participates in teaching as well as in the professional practice of future pharmacists and specialized education of pharmacists. Similar cooperation also takes place with students from the College of Healthcare and Nursing and School of Nursing, Hradec Králové.
In addition to standard preparation of medicines, the drug preparation department deals with special forms of medicine, such as individualized total intravenous nutrition, or the preparation of sterile medicinal products. These types of specialized patient preparations go far beyond the possibilities currently available in commercially produced pharmaceuticals.
Since 2009, the Cytostatic Preparation Department has been providing centralized cytotoxic drug preparation in order to maximize the efficacy and safety of prepared drugs. The department monitors the residues of selected cytostatics in specific departments in order to maximize employee safety.
Members of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy are an integral part of clinical teams and carry out clinical and pharmaceutical duties. Such activity leads to rational and effective drug selection and thus to an increase in the effectiveness of patient treatment. The Department of Clinical Pharmacy, in cooperation with the Faculty of Pharmacy, operates a Drug Information Center providing expert information on pharmaceuticals.
The Department of Medical Material provides a wide range of materials ranging from common dressing material to highly specialized material.
In May 2015, the second part of the Department of Public Disposal of Medicines – Pharmacy “U Modrého robota” was open. The use of modern QR code technology when medical prescriptions are prescribed, along with the use of a dispenser, is another element that significantly increases patient safety. Since 2015, this pharmacy has been providing constant pharmacy emergency services extending beyond the Hradec Králové Region.